Lead by Example

Part 5 in the series Owning the Development Practice
Lead by Example

As an engineering manager, you should model the behaviours and practices you expect from your team. This includes writing high-quality code, following established processes, and demonstrating a commitment to learning and improvement. By leading by example, you can set the tone for the rest of the team and inspire them to take ownership of the development practice themselves.

Model High-Quality Code

As an engineering manager, it's important to lead by example by writing high-quality code. This not only demonstrates your technical expertise but also sets a standard for your team to follow. It's crucial to take the time to ensure that your code is well-structured, efficient, and easy to read and understand.

One way to model high-quality code is to participate in code reviews. By actively participating in code reviews, you can provide feedback and help ensure that the code meets the team's standards. Additionally, by engaging in these reviews, you demonstrate to the team that you are committed to improving the quality of their work.

Another way to model high-quality code is to use industry best practices and standards. For example, following the SOLID principles, using design patterns, and adopting clean code practices can all contribute to writing maintainable, scalable, and high-quality code.

Ultimately, modelling high-quality code can set a positive example for your team and inspire them to improve their coding skills.

Follow Established Processes

Another way to lead by example as an engineering manager is to follow established processes. This includes following the team's coding standards, participating in regular code reviews, and adhering to the project's development methodology.

By following these processes, you demonstrate your commitment to the team's success and the project's goals. It also shows that you are willing to follow the same rules and guidelines as the rest of the team, which can help to build trust and camaraderie.

Moreover, following established processes can help to identify inefficiencies or issues in the team's workflow. If you notice any areas for improvement, be sure to discuss them with the team and work together to find a solution that works for everyone.

Ultimately, following established processes can help to establish consistency and improve the team's overall productivity and efficiency.

Demonstrate a Commitment to Learning and Improvement

As an engineering manager, it's essential to demonstrate a commitment to learning and improvement. This means staying up-to-date with the latest technologies, attending conferences or training sessions, and encouraging the team to do the same.

By staying current on industry trends and advancements, you can bring new ideas and practices back to the team. This can help to inspire innovation and improve the team's overall skill set.

Additionally, by encouraging the team to pursue ongoing education and training, you demonstrate that you value their professional development. This can help to foster a positive and supportive team culture.

Ultimately, demonstrating a commitment to learning and improvement can set the tone for the team and inspire them to continually strive for excellence.

Final Thoughts

Leading by example is an essential component of being an effective engineering manager. By modelling high-quality code, following established processes, and demonstrating a commitment to learning and improvement, you can set the tone for the team and inspire them to take ownership of the development practice. Ultimately, by leading by example, you can help to foster a positive team culture, improve the quality of the team's work, and promote innovation and growth.